Showing posts with label DAILY ROUTINES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAILY ROUTINES. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024


svegliarsi ► wake up
alzarsi ► get up
fare colazione ► have breakfast
lavarsi i denti ► brush [my] teeth
pettinarsi ► comb [my] hair
vestirsi ► get dressed
fare la cartella  pack [my] bag/rucksack
andare a scuola ► go to school
pranzare ► have lunch
giocare/suonare ► play
fare una passeggiata  go for a walk
fare i compiti ► do [my] homework
fare merenda  have a snack
uscire con gli amici hang out with friends
cenare ► have dinner
ascoltare la musica  listen to music
leggere un libro  read a book
guardare la TV ► watch TV
andare a dormire ► go to bed

ATTENTION! pre-requisites: telling the time and days of the week before


Affirmative form

We use the present simple tense to talk about actions we do frequently (habits and routines). Example: 

I have lunch every day.

He always listens to music.